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cool48 said:
Well I've only played the demo but from what I've played I would give it a 9.5.

The graphics + the gameplay just kick a$$!
Well like I mentioned at the end, I'm a bit harsh on final scores. I don't work on the same system most reviewers work on where anything under a 7 is crap. If you go on Metacritic, you'll notice they had to change their system of bad, good, and great reviews in the gaming section because of how inflated gaming reviews were compared to movie, book, music and television reviewers. I prefer publications like Edge that give a realistic view of how good a game is, and the new scoring system of EGM. I've yet to award any game, even my favorite, of a 10.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.