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Okay padib, let's sum up your role, correct me if I'm wrong:

Ability 1 - Sense - Gives the race of the persons who gave the final blow of the players killed during the Night it is used. 

You are invulnerable the Night you use this ability.

Ability 2 - Psionic Blast - You deplete the shields from all Protoss units (takes two Nights to take effect)

You are invulnerable the Night you prep this ability.

Also, should you be attacked during that Night you are told who did the attack.

Ability 3 - Something you haven't mentionned.

Ability 4 - You can attack someone the Night where your Psionic Blast is activated.

I'm sorry but it's too much for me. Too fucking much.

Vote: padib

Signature goes here!