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Take a good look around you.

We live in an age where teenagers and adults alike throw curse words around carelessly as if they were merely words. We have openly gay individuals acting as if their sinful actions only affect their own lives and should not only be accepted by everybody around them, but be treated equally to the actions of heterosexual individuals. We have millions of godless individuals acting as if God is a myth and the Bible is a collection of fairy tales, and in spite of this truly believes that their "good" actions alone bear any substance.

On top of this, there are billions of people who are told during their most impressionable part of their lifetime that one-, or even several false gods are the true makers and upholders of this world. Children of all ages mislead from life until death, robbed not only of the truth, but of the ability to think critically. Robbed of the ability to even recognize the pervading patterns all around us, that lead us to our one true creator.

The Antichrist has been all around us for some time, and his ground is expanding rapidly. If you are expecting an individual or entity to suddenly appear and cause trouble, you are grossly mistaken.