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bevochan said:

They need to patch the multiplayer because it's not balanced.  Too many knife melees and shotgun kills.  Also, too many trading kills with melees.

It is too easy to handle hunter knife... just jump... or shotgun... just stay at medium/long distance.

I'm a killer machine with a Fusion Rifle... it is like I kill everybody with it but I have addapted my playstayle to it cowndown (it needs a recharge of 1-2 seconds to shot and you can't miss any shot).

You can master any weapon in Destiny... that means BALANCED... neither weapon is overpowered.

And just noob get killed by Melee... you need 3 sucessful Melee attacks to kill anybody and Melee have a cowndown of 2-3 seconds... I use it to finalize like I shot the guy and if he gets close I kill him with Melee.

GAF have no consensus in which weapon is the best for PVP... there are groups:

- Auto Rifles (it was trashed at launch but now people are geting used to it and some are saying it is the best weapon for Crucible because you can kill even guys jumping and fast moving at long range)
- Pulse Rifles (some guys like it due the separete shots... it is not my taste so I didn't used it at all)
- Scout Rifles (my primary weapon at launch... works so good and kill enemies from long range with two/theee shots)
- Shotguns (some guys like it but it hard to handle and the results for primary weapon is terrible... works for secondary and near the opponent)
- Hand Cannons (maybe one of the most effective weapon if you can headshot at middle/near distances... forget if you are not good with headshots)
- Snipe Rifles (loved but hard to master... the pace of the enemies are too fast so you need a amazing skills to use it)
- Fusion Rifles (it kills in most time with one shot but have 1-2 seconds to recharge and shot... so you can be killed in this time... my personal primary killer machine but you need really know how to play, never miss a shot and use the enviropment)
- Melee (just works for finalize when the opponent already received some damage)
- Rocket Launchers (no need explain... kill everybody with one shot but the ammo is too low and just shows one or two times in a match in ramdom places)
- Machine Guns (same above... kill faster than any other weapon... if you aim and shot the guy will be killed but there is the ammo issue that is the same than Rocket Launcher)

To be fair all weapons works for PVP pretty weel :D

You can get a killer machine with any of them... Skill matter more than weapon in Crucible... I love it.

BTW. One of the most praises in GAF is how the PVP is balanced in Destiny.