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8th gens got more new IPs...which is good, I guess, but that's all I can really say about it. Every single new IP release has been met with a huge "meh" response as well, so I'm not really even sure that's worth bragging about.

Admittedly the first year of 8th gen is more impressive than the first year of 7th gen in terms of software quality, but I'm not sure that's worth bragging about either. Arguably the only titles worth playing within the first year of 7th gen were Twilight Princess and Resistance, and neither of those were particularly outstanding.

So I can't say I think it's off to a particularly great start, but console generations almost never get off to a great start, so maybe this is entirely the wrong question to ask. It's off to an ok-ish start, which is probably ahead of the curve for most generations.