Dark_Feanor said:
I don´t remember going into any weekly sales thread in the last 2 or 3 years with blindly faith those numbers were real . Over the time the numbers get close to reality. But are still guestimating. And I recently quite posting a thread showing that Halo Reach and Halo 3 sold more units when they where released than Destiny combined all platforms. There is no point in arguing the shape of a cloud in a windy day. If make a claim that you can´t prove (or disprove) that removes any point in this discussion. |
stop your console was nonesense and stop derailing this thread.
this thread is to compare the sales of xb1 vs ps4 through the months of sept to dec, as spencer, the head of xbox himself, said they are important and wants to win them. its a sales discussion, if you cant stand one console beating the other, by all means, go some place else and complain about it there. but dont derail my thread with nonesense.