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Both Sony’s Shuhei Yoshida and Microsoft’s Phil Spencer Feel that This Year’s Tokyo Game Show Was Good

Tokyo Game Show 2014 just ended, and looks like both sides of the console battle (at least those involved, as Nintendo traditionally skips the show) approve how it went down.

Microsoft’s Xbox Division Head Phil Spencer was the first to praise the show:

Heading home, good #tgs2014. Looking forward to some time in Redmond finishing Holiday games, working on future and playing Horizon 2.
Good #tgs2014. Lots of mobile. Indie is picking up in Japan which is good. Sony booth was busy. Lots of gamers in our booth.

Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios President Shuhei Yoshida echoed Spencer’s sentment a couple hours later.

This year’s TGS was good! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Spencer then retweeted Yoshida’s message, and I can’t help but agreeing. It was really a great show.