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Lt. Tear


- ALRIGHT SOLDIERS, LISTEN UP! - She screamed, in the (vain) hope everyone would hear her.


She had gotten tired of lying around, but at least he had her arm fixed thanks to the quick procedures taken by some of her teammates. "Thanks" she replied to them, but it was no time of losing time. If Caracas had taken them down, it was possible that a group of soldiers were coming now, ready to tear them apart.


"Tear, heh". - Tear laughed. Then shoved Deadpool, in an attempt that he stopped screwing around and listened to the instruction. - I need you to gather everyone. - the Litenaunt said. - We have to move to Caracas NOW!


- Where's that dude that supposedly was waiting for us in the Jungle? Arg, why is everything NOT going according to the plan? - Litenaunt Tear checked her gun just in case she would need it, which, judging her hunches, it would be pretty damn near.