Arcturus said:
From what I recall, it wasn't too bad. There was just a fair bit of grinding involved to tame 250 different species, and to alchemize 120 different items. |
While some grinding, I'd say the worst was trying to get the two rare drops, though I suppose I had done more grinding to catch some familiars as I went for various things but it did make the post game clean up mostly a breeze, for me the hardest part was beating the S rank Solosseum. I dind't have a familiar to raise fallen party members and several things in the challenge had pottential for one hit kills, that and the AI could really be a pain and burn through their MP way to fast or grab them when they were full. Thankfully that is done.
Now I think I'll do PSASBR for the ps3 before going on to 3d Dot Game Heroes.