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*Sound Of Rain said:

The iPad doesn't have USB ports.


Yeah, I've been doing some digging and I found that out actually.  Sorry about that.  I admit to being fairly ignorant of tablets, phones, etc.

The good news, though, is that there appear to be gamepads specifically made for the iPad.  So, the lack of a USB isn't a deal-killer.


*Sound Of Rain said:

I really like the iPad because it's convenient and easy to use. It's good for simple browsing and smaller mobile games. Besides that, it's useless. it's no laptop.


From what I've been reading, it's also more locked-down than I initially thought.  There are still ways to do it, of course, but it sounds like some of them require jailbreaking the device, and I have no idea how complicated that is.


*Sound Of Rain said:

I might buy a PC though eventually. Just like I might buy an N64. I just need money and, well, that's it I guess.


Fair enough.  Sorry I couldn't come up with a solution.  I didn't realize it would be quite that difficult.

ColdFire - The man with no name.