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Truth is Women themselves don't know what they want, buddie.

As for the coffee thing, I dunno if that's your style, if it is then go for it. I'd totally would have asked her to at least a out of the way place though. Just make contact, say a joke if the situation arises, and tell her your hungry and if she'd like to accompany you to get a bite to eat. Be cool, though. Just ask her normally. If you linger or seem really nervous about it, she'll know how you feel about her. If the waffle place is an option, go there, but go to a place between Fast Food and Fancy resturant standards. I'm sure they serve coffee there too. Make sure it's still daytime though so you won't break neutral zone. Make sure you FIND out EXACTLY what you want to find out though if she says yes though.

If she says no, big whoop... there are still 4 billion girls left to go. And in the end she's missing out on you, not the other way around. That's something I tell myself after every rejection (lawl).

Trust me, I never regret talking to a girl that rejects me. What I do regret is NEVER talking to the girl I wanted to talk to... ^_^