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binary solo said:

So why are you here? Seems like you only complain when the numbers don't support the narrative you want to promote. Fact is according to Sony PS4 is undertrack here. And information out of MS to date suggests Xb one is close to correct, possibly under possibly over. And in terms of VGC reliability, to date this website has tended to underestimate PS4 and overestimate Xb one. So complain about the various inaccuracy of these numbers if you like, but the balance of probabilities suggests the gap will only widen after adjustments.

"Narative I want to promote", well that´s a new one.

Underestimating PS4... yes, yes... but you know that about all this year, every month VGChartz OVERTRACK both the PS4 and the XOne in the USA (aginst NPD)? 

We only know about the WW undertracking because Sony claimed 7mi, 8mi and then 10mi by themselves. Other than that we have only  the quarterly reports which have PS4 shippments at about 10.5mi at late June and the XOne at (worst case) 5.5mi at the same time.

Do you realy belive that VGChartz has a team of WW especialists traveling from store to store to count how many units where sold last week?