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AZWification said:

OK then, Coldfire! I promise that I will try The Last Door ( maybe The Chzo Mythos as well) when I will have the time!


Cool!  I wasn't really looking for a promise of anything, but ok.

Hope you enjoy them.  Let me know what you think.


AZWification said:

The only PS4 exclusive I'm really looking foward to is Uncharted 4. On the X1 side we have Halo MCC, Halo 5 and Sunset Overdrive!


I am very disappointed in you, my child.

Kidding aside, I realize it's a personal thing, but I find the PS4 lineup much more appealing.  Especially in researching the upcoming exclusives on both.

In fact, I've been working on a project to kind of map out the content across both consoles.  There's been a lot of talk lately about the definition of "exclusive" and what qualifies as one, and I've actually been compiling the data into a series of lists of all the different "types" of exclusive.  It's just been a personal project for my own curiosity sake but is that something you guys would be interested in seeing?  I could post what I have if you are.

I will warn you, though, that it gets a bit convoluted.  I've tried to be as thorough as possible in categorizing every possible permutation of "exclusive" in order to get a clear picture of what exists and where it falls on the spectrum.

ColdFire - The man with no name.