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It feels like i've got everything I could want in life right now, except i'm not happy. As i said, i just scored a second job that will tie down my financial problems at least until the end of the year, boost my resume like nobody's business, and i get to keep my other job and still have nights and weekends free in all cases. Doing good in class so far, enjoying them. Got some good video games coming down the pipe this year. Have a TV antenna so i can get a little background noise going on busy homework days.

Could be that girl i'm crushing on is making me melancholy (i've noticed a few old nervous habits creep back into my style since the party where i met her), or possibly just a hormonal shift (my moods shift in about a six-week cycle)

Or maybe a minor run of bad luck last night. First spent 90 minutes chipping away at the last dungeon of Zelda II... only to discover that i don't have the Thunder spell which means i can't beat the Thunderbird that comes right before Dark Link, the final boss, so i had to reset and scrap the whole night's progress. That and i figured out that there isn't the right kind of data for the paper topic i had worked on for a few days, and so had to scrap that whole thing too. Went to bed feeling fairly surly after that. Today i'm going to re-attack both with gusto, though. Beat Zelda II (with heavy save-state abuse, mind) and make good progress on the new paper topic i picked.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.