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NiKKoM said:
Mr Khan said:

PotentHerbs' idea about trying to sit closer to her in class is a better idea for the short term anyway. Study her reactions to how i conduct myself.

NO! You'll creep her out.. you need to act cool.. you reek of desperation.. you'll end up in the friendzone faster then you think..

And I wish d21lewis was here in this thread.. we know our stuff.. No one here has our advice track record:

It's not like i'm going to try to force my way in or anything, just move in the general vicinity and see where the chips fall.

Though my Samus desktop could throw my nerd a little out front (isn't ecchi or anything, but it is still Metroid), which is something i downplay around here, aside from said desktop.

nikkom and d21lewis: getting gamers married. Perhaps I could accede to your advice.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.