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*Sound Of Rain said:

Kirby is old 1990's old. (first game 1992)


Yeah but I was a Sega kid.

Truth is my experience with Nintendo is limited, especially back in those days.  We couldn't afford more than one system.  Though, I did own a few Donkey Kong handhelds back in the day.  Game & Watch handhelds.  It's an old man thing - don't worry about it.

Actually, in all seriousness, I'm interested to see if you know what I'm talking about.  Without looking it up, do you know what Game & Watch handhelds are?  Or Tiger handhelds?  This is going back even for me, so well done if you know.


*Sound Of Rain said:

Nintendo has been hit & miss for me lately as well which is why I sold my Wii U. They still have a lot of great series though.


Oh sure.  I have nothing against them; I just didn't grow up with them the way a lot of people here did.  But it was more a lack of money than a lack of interest.  We were hardly rich and even one video game console was a hell of an investment.  I didn't even have a 3rd gen console - I went from the Atari 2600 directly to the Sega Mega Drive (Genesis).


*Sound Of Rain said:

Nope. I haven't turned my Wii on for 8 months

I looked it up though. Microsoft owns Perfect Dark so that won't be coming. Goldeneye was also developed by Rare so I'm assuming that's why that is unavailable too. Heck, Nintendo hasn't even put up Donkey Kong 64 yet.


Right.  Yeah, I remember there was a Perfect Dark remaster that was available on Xbox Live.  In all honesty, it looked pretty sweet.  I don't recall ever seeing an equivalent remaster of Goldeneye, unfortunately.  I know there was a remake but I'd love to see a remastering of the original game.

Hmm... well, if you don't have an Xbox, I suppose you could always look for an N64.  And if all else fails, emulate.

ColdFire - The man with no name.