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pokoko said:
"This is unfortunately another example of how the aggressive denial of women's lived experiences online is not only sexist but can actually be dangerous."

And there we go. It can't be some brainless idiots, as when men get death threats over stupid things, it has to be turned into an attack on women so it can fit into her agenda.

I hope they get the people who made the threats, as that is a really horrible thing to do, but I really, really don't like this woman. I wish we could start paying a lot less attention to her. The morons making threats need to go to jail not just for the threats but because they're giving her exactly the kind of ammunition and exposure she wants.

that part of the text was not about the death threats, but about the conspiracy theory saying that Sarkeesian made the threats herself which 4chan cooked up

the same happened when Zoe Quinn's and her friend's accounts were hacked, 4chans response was "Zoe did it herself"