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2Ultra said:

You are right about me being DPS; however, the Topaz Carbuncle did save us from a wipe last night becasue the tank dropped and pet tanked it forthe rest of the boss fight no problem at all.  The healer looked a little worried until he realized the boss wasn't after him, like at all.  I think I got my first payer commendation from that run. :)

Using the pets full potential has been very fun.  Once I hit 30 though, it will be away with him for sure.  I'll be healing then.  A little nervous to be a main healer, but we'll see.

I did say "if your real tank is bad or dead" ;)

During my first Ifrit try (as a pugilist), the tank and me both died, and we've watched a conjurer, an arcanist and a Topaz Carbuncle tanking and killing it. I didn't know what a Carbuncle was at that time, I was "a little" surprised to see that !

You need to be a lvl 15 Conjurer to be a Scholar, so you should try to do the first dungeons as a Conjurer (Sastasha, Tam-Tara, Copperbell Mines), it will get you used to be a main healer (and they are usually really easy for a healer). Don't start as a healer with Haukke or Brayflox, they can quickly get ugly if your tank and healer are bad.