I'm not much a fan of digital game purchases (particularly for Nintendo stuff because a lot of it seems overpriced and it's tied to the hardware), for the simple reason that you can't sell them back, but it's getting hard to resist with the plethora of good looking games on the eshop. As I said I'll probably get Steamworld Dig soon. Might get Child of Light too, Ubisoft rarely lets me down. Shovel Knight looks like a fun retro style game, takes me right back to the early 90s.. Unepic looks like my type of game too. It just sucks that most of these games are $15 or more. I really can't see myself buying these unless they hit at least $10.. Maybe I'll wait for another one of those Best Buy Nintendo point card deals.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden