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Ckorik said:

This doesn't make the film industry look bad, it doesn't make any particular movie sexist.  This could however, attempt to show the film industry where it is overusing tropes in lazy or inappropriate ways.  This in turn could cause the film industry (could - not will) to show some introspection and perhaps attempt to avoid these types of scenes because they are easy to write.

I don't have much to add except that this point can't be underlined enough. Let's demand more of video games (and movies) as an artform. Our writers don't have to always be lazy in how they portray women. There will continue to be games/movies that use these tropes and that's okay to an extent - let's just make the creative forces think about it first. This is the core of the Sarkeesian videos and honestly don't understand how people lose the message because they are butt hurt about thinking that it's somehow going to ruin video games. 

run away!