michael_stutzer said:
I am in another competition and autopopping is not allowed. I'd normally autopop them as well. Actually I didn't even get that many trophies from the second version, I meant that I played it for the first time instead of an autopopping run. I've got only 6-7 extra trophies from the Vita version. Also your completion rate increase is amazing. Mine is generally around 40-45%. I always want to increase it to around 50% but everytime I attempt to increase it, a new game I want comes out. I'll still try to reach 50% before the end of the year though. |
fair enough if youre in another league.
As for completion rate - I'm the same as you... want to play games I dont have more than the games I do have which decreases it. I aimed for 70% by the end of the year so hopefully I should hit that.