fps_d0minat0r said:
I'm gonna autopop them, just waiting for the DLC to be put on sale before I start the game. On another note, pleased with my 2014 rank considering it was a university year and I cheaped out on buying games. It would be interesting to see how peoples completion rates have changed over the year if thats possible Arc. I think mine was around 50%, managed to get it over 65%. |
I am in another competition and autopopping is not allowed. I'd normally autopop them as well. Actually I didn't even get that many trophies from the second version, I meant that I played it for the first time instead of an autopopping run. I've got only 6-7 extra trophies from the Vita version.
Also your completion rate increase is amazing. Mine is generally around 40-45%. I always want to increase it to around 50% but everytime I attempt to increase it, a new game I want comes out. I'll still try to reach 50% before the end of the year though.