Burning through the list of cheap and quality third party Wii U games..
Snagged Rayman for $17
AC4 for $15
Mass Effect 3 for $9
Just got Batman Arkham Origins for $19
First two games are great, I feel like I got away with highway robbery or something with how cheap these are.. I've yet to play the other two but I've only heard good things. I'm giving Mass Effect one more chance after hating the 360 controls. I feel like it could be a lot easier for me with the gamepad.
Next I was thinking of picking up Zombi U for $14. Either that or Call of Duty: Ghosts for around the same price. I'd probably get one or the other, not both. Waiting for Wonderful 101 to get just a tad bit cheaper. Looks good, but not quite $24 good.. Also, Steam World Dig looks like it's more than worth the $10 on the Eshop. I'll probably get that at some point soon.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden