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So he's 93 and we judge him now... it's ok I guess. People's grudge will be appeased with blood and nothing else.

I read some of the comments and can't laugh any more. It's not like in 1940 people were thinking the same way we do today. What was acceptable then isn't today and vice versa. It's false to say that the germans were happy under the Nazi control a lot of them were not but it seems to me a lot of people just don't know their history.

You have to understand that after WW1 Germany suffered a lot and the Nazi came, giving a new direction to a country that was downspiraling, to make it short. A lot of soldiers didn't know anything about the camps (yeah but they could've check on the internet or on tv... ohh wait).

This guy may have participated in a war crime but I hope people requesting his head today are requesting the head of other war crimes that are being commited today by our very own countries. WW2 happened 70years ago. It's ok to learn about how bad it was, what started it, how it ended and what we could learn from this. But we need to let it go and focus on what we are still failing to do today...