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Metrium said:
If I lived in a country that still acts like if this was the 17th century where it's ok to be ruled by queens, dukes and princes, I would certainly want to leave.

It's funny you say that, because your VGC page says you live in Canada. One of her official titles is in-fact the "Queen of Canada", since Canada still exist under the monarchy in a form. She's the granny on your $20 notes.

Anyway, we aren't rules by her or the royal family. The queen is mostly just a figure head who has a very small amount of theoretical power. For the most part she just engages in formalities like swearing in the new prime ministers etc.

There isn't much reason to get rid of them, so we don't. As well as being great for tourism and a part of our national identity, they happen to be the largest land owners on the planet Without getting into details, we make almost £160m in profit every year simply by keeping them around. Dat sweet sweet Crown Estate revenue deal.