Mystro-Sama said: As you can probably tell this is able the Minecraft/Mojang acquisition which I think is stupid. MS's probably is that they're pockets are too deep. They don't hesitate to blow money on what ever they think might help them which I think might be their downfall. So it's all but confirmed that they will be buying Minecraft for 2.5B, and I did a little research and found an article that detailed the costs one would need to start up a brand new gaming studio and it turns out to be $600k. Which means they could use that Minecraft money and litterally start hundreds of sudios with new ideas and and IPs instead of buying Minecraft which I think will reach it's peak fairly soon. This is what Sony realized and created a massive army of first parties and have been supporting games of all types from JRPGs to Indies to Shooters to MMOs instead of gambling on one massive project.
Thoughts? |
Seriously... Did you read what you posted before to actually post it or it was too late and you did not have the opportunity to edit it?
Even if this non-sense of 600k to build up a new studio is true (600k for one year salary for designers/developpers + offices/hardwares is like nothing)...
Then what about this aquisition of one (if not THE one) of most known/successfull franchise of the past 5 years on all platforms? What about the marketing to build up the hype, the community and sell THAT many copy on that many platforms?