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The pilot was checking a photo of his wife. No need to worry about what was in front of him, since auto-piloting was on. But that turned out to be a huge mistake, when the radar picked up some lectures.


Not one, or two. Six smalls dots, coming in fast, toward the ship. The pilot tossed asside the photo, just to be confronted with six missiles going right directly into his way.


- Holy crap!


He turned the plane as fast as he could, avoiding the first two missile strikes. But he lost control of everything as these birds require more precise inputs instead of those oddities, so the plane started going down. Thankfully, that was also helpful in order to avoid the third, fourth and fifth missile...but that can't be said about the sixth, which, taking advantage of the plane's trayectory, impacted right on it, on the pilot's cabin. The poor dude was inmediately roasted, then turned to ashes when the explosive went off. A huge chunk of the plane also flew off, but thankfully the War Room was unharmed.


Lt. Tear


- The fuck? - She screamed.


The plane, without anyone piloting it and severely damaged after the explosion, crashes on the outsides of Caracas, in what seems to be a jungle. No one got out of the plane before it smashing the ground, but everyone is safe (no one has dangerous injuries) tucked inside the War Room. You can exit the ship using the Hangar door, which leads outside.


Lt. Tear


A broken arm wouldn't stop her, but damn it hurts. She wouldn't show weakness before her team members, so she just bandage'd it. Not ambidextrous, but she can pop out some headshots using the left hand.


- Is everyone alright?


She wondered if everyone was alright. There were some people who would need extra attention now that they landed, like that wheelchair guy.