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I have a PS4, never intend to buy an XB1.

I think the last game in the Thomb Raider series was ppular enough to gather a good group of followers, now most people on these forums expect it to come out on PS4/PC at the very worst a year later, maybe only a few months down the line, it will probably include the DLC that was created up to that point... so if you ask them now, they will say "no" on principle, for sure.

Now, if the game come out and somehow it's really really nice and Uncharted 4 does badly, I would say a good number of people will buy the XB1 for it.... and many people who did not follow much will just see it at the store, remember hearing it was great and they will get it for a new console or if they still have a 360 they may get it on the old console, after all it's cross gen.

Now the cross gen point, I think that like all cross gen titles it will look somewhat simple compared to the PS4 exclusives, so in the end it will be just another XB1 game, nothing to blow the socks off of someone who has seen a PS4 or a decent gaming PC in action.

So yeah, I will wait for a PS4 version, I have no interest in the XB1 so far and I cannot see how it could change.