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Conegamer said:
Wonktonodi said:
TruckOSaurus said:

If you didn't want Nickles lynched, why were you urging Cone to vote for him then?

1. I had my vote post ready as well as a tab open with the countdown so I wan't worried (little did I know)

2. I wanted to see what he would do

3. I wanted to see if other people would suddenly do something as well.

So you're basically saying that you set me up to see who I would vote for? I'm not buying that for a moment. If you didn't want Nickles lynched, you wouldn't have taken the risk with voting him thus closing the gap and allowing one vote to change it even if you had your seperate tab open (which I am unsure about)

This seems to me like trying to worm your way out of a suspicious scenario by deflecting and not allowing people to examine your actions in detail right now. The whole thing is a very unusual move if your motives are as you claim.

from my perspective the risk reward was I do nothing with what could be the last few minutes of the game for me or try and get more info out of you. The risk being low since had you voted and made a tie my changed vote would put astro back up by 2 and no issue. It would take 2 other people voting to make a tie or one other player changing over, but in that case I'd have still gotten more info.

the risk reward that TOS and you seem to think is that I tried to save Astro a scum budddie by changing the votes at the last minute to a no lynch? How would that benefit me if he and I were on the same team? the reward of him living an extra night + with the risk of two members of a scum team now being caught instead of just one. that just makes no sence to me.