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HylianSwordsman said:

Why the fuck would you want to start a new company when you have an already successful one?

What would stop him though? I mean your Your "Notch is the one that gets the $2.5 billion, and he won't be using it to make games, because he no longer owns a game company." makes no sense. So because someone starts a company and sells it he is somehow not allowed to make games anymore? I am confused, because people selling successful companies and starting new companies happens to be a pretty common thing not only in the Video game market but many others also. 

Maybe the pressure was getting to be to much? I mean he created one of the most successful gaming IP's in history! Whatever he created would be compared to the success of Minecraft. Still I am sure it would happen with another company but at least there is a disconnect between Mojang and any possible future company, the general public really won't put it together. This allows him to dump not all the pressure I am sure but the vast majority of it... Minecraft will not be directly hanging over any future projects as that's not his anymore to deal with. Maybe he can focus his passion on smaller projects? He has the money to do it. What some people don't get is maybe he just had enough, people say stuff all the time and act do what they said they were against! Maybe he had enough, wanted to focus on different projects and the money dangled in front of him was to much to turn down. People calling him a sell out need to calm down and not take things so personal.