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Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

The whole problem with this silly catch up thing. Is that alone, its not enough for the XB1 to sell more. These "predictions" often involve the PS4 selling less.
For example:
With your 32 million XB1, 34 million PS4 by 2016 reasoning why would PS4 only sell 24 million over 2.5 years and the XB1 sell 27 million over the same time period. Why would XB1 suddenly become sell much better and PS4 sell much lower.
Realistically, if the Market Leader drops, that's a sign of the overall sales dropping. Even if the PS4 stops selling that doesn't mean the XB1 will sell more, you said after all gamers have a choice.
Even the last gen which was by all counts the most fair, never had the Wii really declining till the end of its short life time.

The writings on the wall, the quicker you accept it, the faster you can stop worrying about you're console of choices sales, and be more concerned with its Games.

And I realize this is a sales site, but that doesn't mean speculation and flights of fancy make good sales predictions.

Thats a good point about if as the leading console sonys baseline sales drop that usually is a good indicator the whole industry including microsoft and nintendo are gonna slump as well.  For example if in america a democratic president's high approval ratings go down, but so do republicans in congress, its more a pox on all their houses so to speak, as a opposed to the presidents numbers going down and republicans in congress's numbers going up.