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curl-6 said:

Let's not get carried away with just the negatives.

After all, on the plus side:

"the visuals themselves are often quite breathtaking and their impact on the atmosphere and design of the game shouldn't be underestimated. The great use of destructible scenery with pathways often ripping apart before your eyes is just one example of the many impressive sequences peppered throughout the game. Beyond that, it's hard not to be impressed the first time you effortlessly guide Bayonetta across a beautiful, reflective pool of water contrasting against a massive ancient city."

"the engine manages to deliver sequences more complex than anything the original had to offer."

"Levels are larger and more detailed"

"Animation has also been given a nice overhaul with a completely new set of movements for Bayonetta, complemented by a new cast of enemies. Furthermore, refinements have been made to her outfit and general design with clothing (hair?) that looks more detailed and 'leathery' while her shorter haircut is well modelled and animated. These smaller details definitely add up across the course of the game and create a more refined visual experience overall."

"On the plus side, the irritating tearing of the original has been completely eliminated,"

Yeah, it would have been nice if it maintained a higher framerate, but it still runs smoother than comparable titles like the PS3 God of War games.

That and first game is free. FREE!