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Being an MMO guy since I first touched EQ in 1999 and not being very successful with FPS keepin my interest for more than a week (besides M.A.G.) I fully admit I am loving lots about Destiny. My only real gripe with the game as of now (level 13) is the customization of my character is underwhelming. Feels like with every level I acheve I put the point into the only available ability. There is no tough choice between 3 skills that all sound awesome, it might as well just auto place until 15. I do believe that once 15 hits I will eat crow and I will accept that crow fully.

One aspect of the game I absolutely love Bungie for is the no map. I freaking love it!! For once since EQ I am actually taking in the world. I'm going into every cave I stumble across and will go out of my way to see what is exactly opposite of mission objective. I think it's unfair Destiny is receiving this much hate, when it sounds like most of the hate is story. And I hate all the "repetition" complaints because I have yet to find a game that isn't in a very long time. (That is my opinion on that subject and may be viewed as wrong by others, but that's how I feel.)

I'm very glad I bought into the hype the way I did because it's been a while since I've really spent time with my PS4 (damn you SMITE for being so much fun!!) I eagerly await the time when the wife and kid go to bed and I can dive deeper into Destiny. I hope Bungie keeps unloading tons of events, different Crucible maps and objectives and keep this game rollin fresh into 2015 and b3yond. Sorry for long post, hope some of you who have read it agree and are willing to game sometime. Add me on PSN. GirthQuake.