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Regardless of all of this, there are a LOT of people having an absolute blast with the game.

It reminds me of COD in that many critics would slam the hell out of them, but did the fans care? Not really.

FWIW, I'm not a fan of COD either. I like many things about Destiny, but am unimpressed on a technical level and content level. I do think that on the technical side of things, that is meaningless to success (see : COD using ancient engine for ever and ever with people not caring), and on the content side, that stuff CAN come later provided enough people are onboard.

I predict that the sales will be ridiculous for Destiny, and it will be around for a long damned time. And, it will kind of bug me a little, but I guess I'm happy people are having fun. I dislike COD, I dislike Halo, and now I am ambivalent about Destiny.