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on the case against prof:

The role PM is a potential serious slip, I agree. In case it didn't register with other others I would like to point out this series of events as well:

This post is a subtle hint to get people to read the meta on their power roles. The warning about not being too obvious looks to me like someone who fancies themselves as an experienced player wanting to move inexperienced players to reveal typical power role meta.

I called him out on this fishing attempt and got this rebuttal:

Issues here are that the importance of power roles and not revealing them has already been discussed in the game. His post was not needed as he claims, and in particular the hint to read the pr meta looks like an attempt to influence how inexperienced players play in game, not a call to use their roles properly at night.

The whole thing reads like a possible sneaky attempt to smoke out a cop or doctor.

Other things I have noted:
Come rushing to Nickles defense when the vote train on him got serious and has been more active since then than in rest of the game combined.