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Zanten said:
thismeintiel said:

Why are you explaining to me why the 360 took US?  I thought the explaination for numbers was not allowed?  Or is that only when it doesn't help your argument?  Darn all these rules.  Of course, if you want a real answer, your 250K number means nothing.  It's just one you made up and found to fit your argument.  BTW, do you have the numbers that prove the PS2 and Wii always sold that much?  And what is your cut off period, cause the Wii started to somewhat poorly over much of the year, only to get huge boosts during the holiday season.  I also bet if you had the numbers for the NES, the SNES, and the PS1, neither of them were consistently over 250K.

Even if those two did sell over 250K for the first 2-3 years, there are reasons why.  The PS2 was the follow up to the successful PS1 and had no competition for over a year.  The Wii was a phenomenom that mostly sold because of the game it was packaged with, but began to rapidly drop YOY after 2-3 years.  The PS4 is not either of these.  However, it is still going to take this gen and by quite a lot.  It's sales pattern in the US will most likely mirror that of the 360.  In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the One and PS4 swapped positions/numbers that their predecessors held.  PS4 will take EU even more handidly than the PS3 did, since the One is basically dead there.  Japan will see a rise in sales once the games start hitting, but probably won't match last gen's numbers.  Though, China and some of the newer territories will make up for that.

Bah, ninja'd. xD Just to reinforce this point in agreement, would like to note that the Dreamcast was discontinued in March 2001. For those who don't know, the other sixth gen consoles, (i.e. the Gamecube and Xbox,) didn't release in North America until November 2001, meaning that, as far as sixth generation consoles in North America went, the PS2 had April 2001 til October 2001 entirely to itself. The added bonus of having essentially bitchslapped a competitor- the Dreamcast- into oblivion would no doubt have provided a substantial PR boost as well, as God only knows people tend to flock towards Winners.

So yeah, with the summer entirely to itself... how could it NOT have sold at least 250k? The total NPD this month alone is 420k, and while there will be some crossover, unless someone wants to claim that more than a small group of people bought two or three pricey pieces of hardware in a SINGLE month, (and did so consistently for all the summer months,) then it isn't hard to imagine why a console that has two direct competitors (one of whom is, in the U.S. at least, providing stiff opposition,) isn't selling as well as a console that had none.

If we're to accept 'Oh, the PS2 was only in Japan those first months, we HAVE to take that into consideration,' then fine. But if one doesn't also take into consideration that its vaunted first summer on the market was spent with absolutely no sixth generation competition whatsoever, then yes, one is just cherry picking the numbers and ignoring any facts that get in the way of their case. =P For people insisting on a frank and rational comparison of two generations, a really bad job is being done if one somehow completely misses, or deliberately ignores, this extremely important circumstance.

Good points.  You could also, once again, look at the 360.  It had no competition for a year, not even an early Dreamcast-like failure, yet it had months that were even worse than the PS4 is having, with two other consoles competing right out the gate.  Even with the lower months, however, the 360 won the US.  Playstation consoles have always showed that these gens are marathons, not sprints, even when they start in front.  It's just last gen they didn't have the best start, lol.