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Well! Might as well make a summary for any thread newcomers of the lessons thus learned.

1) When making these comparisons, ignore all extrenuous, non-unit-numbery information. Release dates, advantages over competitors, lineup composition, outstanding features, market composition, all of those are useless bits of fluff to be ignored without hesitation. Absolutely nothing about the nature of the markets, the circumstances surrounding each product, should be taken into account, as any differences in terms of market size, marketshare split, launch advantages, all are completely meaningless to this discussion. Only. Pure. Sales. Numbers.

2) Except how many markets it's been released in, that we pay attention to, because it is vastly more important than all those other extrenuous circumstances put together, because reasons. But nothing else!

3) As it has been established that the PS2 is the leading man, it is irrelevent that the console is doing substantially better than its predecessor, (and even its direct competitor's predecessor,) and even doing well against the previous generation market leader (a fair chunk of whose market has since moved on to Candy Crush Saga,) as the fact that it has been unable to (technically speaking, because refer to Part 2,) outpace the PS2, (which had a number of other factors in its favor, but see Part 1,) makes it a solid disappointment.

4) Technically the fact that the PS2 is, literally, the top dog in market history means every console ever released a solid disappointment, including those that came before it, but it is particularly troubling that the PS4 is one for reasons. I mean, to be fair, unless the PS4 only hits about 66 million this generation, it can pretty much be agreed that the Wii was a bigger comparative disappointment against the PS2 than the PS4 would be against the Wii, meaning that, comparitively speaking, as market leader the PS4 underperformed LESS compared to its immediate predecessor than the Wii did. BUT! This doesn't matter. For reasons.

5) The underperforming is, clearly, Sony's responsibility, and therefore Sony must do something about it. This something presumably is 'Make More People Want To Buy Consoles In General,' as at this point it isn't like the Wii U or the Xbox One are gobbling up many consumers themselves. Personally I think the PC Master Race is storming the beaches and seeking to destroy the console heathens once and for all, but what do I know? Regardless, Sony must begin handing out free cupcakes (and hookers, where law permits, and quickly before Microsoft resorts to it first) to ensure that more people buy consoles in general.

6) Watch the television series Hannibal. No, it doesn't have anything to do with this topic, DO IT ANYWAY. You'll thank me riiight around the time a guy eats part of his own face.


Am I missing anything? o.o

Zanten, Doer Of The Things

Unless He Forgets In Which Case Zanten, Forgetter Of The Things

Or He Procrascinates, In Which Case Zanten, Doer Of The Things Later

Or It Involves Moving Furniture, in Which Case Zanten, F*** You.