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Conegamer said:

I've posted some stuff already here if it helps.

>> reads post

Conegamer said:


That's about all I've got time for right now. It's taken me pretty much 45 minutes to get all the posts together, even for a brief summary like this. And yes, posting on other threads via phone is greatly different to doing something like this. Will try to finish it up later today or tomorrow, moving on Saturday and then the day is over so will see what I can do. But I can assure you; I'm paying attention. I'm following what's going on and I'm sorry for not posting much the past day or so, but I really have been busy and doing posts like this on your phone is damn tough. Do not for a single second think I do not care, though.

Pretty much the answer I expected. In addition, I'd say the fact that the mental burden of a mafia post is way different from general browsing. Especially all the prior reading that goes with it. I'm a bit preoccupied with some big life stuff right now, so I know that feel.