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Hi Arcturus, there seems to be an error with my platinum points. I keep my own spreadsheet for tracking, and what I have is 113 platinum trophies worth 225 points (average @ 1.99).

Two things I ascertained:
1) The Bureau: XCOM Declassified should be 2-stars (but you seem to have given me 1). The "Platinum Difficulty Rating" displays the difficulty at 4.08. If you calculate from the latest votes, the average is actually higher at 4.41. And it's definitely worth it with the skill that is required.
2) I noticed that my recent Diablo III: Reaper of Souls also never appeared in any of the "Platinum Trophies Earned" section too. I've tentatively put this as 2-stars due to it being more demanding than the normal Diablo III (which is 2-stars), but probably wouldn't warrant a 3-star rating. They are two completely different games with separate lists, by the way. As it stands, I got 0. Maybe something wrong with the new script? And also, the link leading to the list showing games and their difficulty ratings seems to have disappeared too from this thread.

Thanks for the help.

My website: Precocious Ragamuffin