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RolStoppable said:
Hey Boutros, why do you even wait until the NPD results before you put "PS4 #1" in the title? Or why put it in the title at all? You might as well put "3DS beats Vita" in there while you are at it.

PS4 IS number 1 again. Why shouldn't that be in the title?

Below are the PlayStation highlights from the August NPD report:

· PlayStation 4 was #1 in hardware sales for the eighth consecutive month and remains the cumulative leader for next generation game consoles.

· PlayStation led the month for next generation software with Madden NFL 15 for PS4 taking the #1 spot for overall software sales.

· Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Ultimate Evil Edition and Madden NFL 15 had their strongest sales on PS4 and were the biggest third party releases of the month.

· The Last of Us Remastered continues to have strong momentum on PS4; it was the top selling first-party title in August.

· For the third consecutive month, PlayStation was #1 in combined home console hardware sales (PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3).


The PS5 Exists.