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Seems like a great game for a particular type of person. I played through Diablo 3 exactly once, and never felt like playing through it again. I enjoyed my run through, but didn't care about MP at all (actually annoyed by other people around, lol). I feel the same about Destiny, I'll play through the SP once, then bin it. Grinding for more gear, and replaying the same areas over and over sounds less fun to me than anal surgery. The PVP looks god awful as well.

But the worst of everything is the tech. The 360 version is 95% as good as the PS4/XB1 versions, and 30fps is a joke for a cross gen gimped title. They claimed the Alpha/Beta were really old builds, but honestly they looked basically identical to the final release. It's going to look actually terrible compared to true next gen games. Hell, Halo 5 will probably make it look like a NES title by comparison, and we will eventually get true non-cross gen FPS titles optimized for PS4, and those will be eye-meltingly awesome of course.

It's going to be an absolutely massive hit, which is a bit disappointing in some ways due to how underwhelming it is. Imagine if they had just aimed at 8th gen as the baseline instead of boat-anchoring everything to be played on Gen7 consoles. They'll probably ride this horrible engine for 2-3 years as well. Ugh.

All that said, no offense to anyone who really loves it. Have fun with it.