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Persona is a series that seems to be steadily building momentum. It will eventually get a title that will reach 1 million. Will Persona 5 be that title? Quite possibly. It's one of the first big RPGs for the PS4, and the Playstation audience is known for liking RPGs, so that helps. Persona Q might help too, possibly exposing the series to people who haven't experienced it before, and I see no reason why 3DS owners that try Persona Q wouldn't consider getting a PS4 for a home console to try Persona 5, if they don't already have a PS3.

Nonetheless, I'll remain conservative for now. I think the title will have no trouble beating Persona 4 with the combined sales of both platforms, but I don't know if it'll beat 1 mil. That said, I'm pretty psyched! This is my first Persona game that I'll be able to get at release and join in all the hype!