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Well...., good for them, but for me this is another huge disappointment like Watch Dogs was. I must admit that I only played the first 5-10h but until now...., this game is BORING, boring storyline, boring gameplay, boring characters, boring scenary. I know I should wait to play more, but the same thing I said to me with Watch Dogs and the game never got better for me.

As a huge fan of Halo (I played Halo 1 and 2 on PC) that couldn't play most of those games because I had no Xbox, I was expecting some "Halo magic" and awesomeness from Destiny but this game only borrows ideas from other games (Diablo, Borderlands, Mass Effect, Halo,...) doing nothing better than those games and without bringing anything new to the table.

This is another game inflated with hype, and nothing more, and I'm just as guilty to cooperate in this like anyone who bought this game at launch. In the past, the best selling games used to sell good because they were good, people knew it and spread the word to others, now they only need huge advertisment, good trailers, just a few glimpses of gameplay (because let's face it ,we knew little about the game even with a Beta) with some brand recognition and there you have it.

I really wish the game gets better with time and this rant looks silly in a few days but...., I really doubt it.