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impertinence said:
Nicklesbe said:

This better be good. I wake up to find were going to die in a few days. We better get to it then. I'm going to take the advice of WoW and use our most powerful ability. That being the vote. I know it was before day one officially started and he was probably joking but based on recent experiance I've come to trust Theprofs initial instincts. So lets do this by the numbers and get the ball rolling.

Vote: Carl2291 

You know have a great chance to show how much you trust profs instincts...

How so by voting for you instead? As I said I trust his initial instincts and they worked this game well enough in desciding who the first person would be that I'd push for information with a vote. Based on experiance I don't know if I'd trust his third vote, worth keeping an eye on tho. Especially since I can't exactly trust yet whether or not he town. I'm also wating/hoping he will explain his reasoning for voting you. Will likely push for that. I have seen somethings I think mafia would use against you, but I don't know if it's indicitive of you being mafia or not. What I do know is what I've seen far and that is a blatant lie from someone and a vote for no logical purpose. So that's where my vote is going.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)