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spurgeonryan said:
Cobretti2 said:
well i went out and finally got a game lol

Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge. Glad they imported it here. Also no longer need a EU profile woooo. I profile to play them all lol.

I am really surprised that after all this time they even imported it. Strange ...isn't it?

well yes its strange. It may be the store that did this. or Nintendo shrug.

All I know is ever star survey i did in the tell us more aobut your thoughts on this games I wronte "I HATE DIGITAL BRING ME PHYSICAL GAMES LIKE NINJA GAIDEN" over and over lol. Probably liek 20 games the same comment haha.

Maybe i'll import me the James Bond game now that Ninja Gaiden appears to work without a EU profile.