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So, assuming this happens, see two potential reasons.

One, basic moneymaking profit. The thing is, the raw revenue of Minecraft wouldn't be enough to recoup the investment in any less than a decade, so if profit is the name of the game, expect as many spinoffs, sequels, DLC packs, merchandising and other moneymakers Microsoft can get away with. Obvious benefit would be that, since making money is the goal, then at most you'd see timed exclusivity for Microsoft platforms, but rarely, if ever, outright exclusives. The goal will essentially be milking that prized heifer for all she's worth. Original Mojang staff miiiight stick around- only about forty of them, and seriously, they must be pretty wealthy already- but given the windfall such a deal would make them, can also see them just leaving the company to pursue new projects. I definitely can't picture Notch ever becoming a Molyneux-esque Microsoft spokesperson. xP

Alternatively, there's always yanking Minecraft from everything that isn't a Windows platform to try and push sales of their own devices... whether they CAN do this, I have no idea, especially in the case of Playstation given how recently it released. However, this kind of strikes me as a 'putting the toothpaste back in the tube' situation, as Minecraft's already out there. o.O Kinda late to try getting all proprietary. Even if they succeeded in locking Minecraft down on only Microsoft platforms, it would also probably make them even more hated than EA. Basically think the Tomb Raider fiasco, only instead of just pissing off Playstation and PC gamers, you're pissing off them, AND all the iPod, Android and non-Windows device users. Not enough Internet to contain THAT level of rage.

Zanten, Doer Of The Things

Unless He Forgets In Which Case Zanten, Forgetter Of The Things

Or He Procrascinates, In Which Case Zanten, Doer Of The Things Later

Or It Involves Moving Furniture, in Which Case Zanten, F*** You.