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Wonktonodi said:
bugrimmar said:
I really have never played this game before. I don't know why you guys are so unwelcoming and disinterested in teaching new people. Sorry, I didn't know there was this clique thing that I can't penetrate as a newbie.

I believe 8 of the people playing this round are playing there first or second game on here.

I am happy to help, that's why I posted some icebreaker questions. as well as recomended some resources.

This game is a bit of a trial by fire though. Everyone on here had a first game at some point.

Some things you will be doing during the game

Reading reading and reading. read the posts, people make, read your role read any abilities and your win conditions read the flavor read the player list and vote counts.

Posting. you will need to do more than be a passive observer you will be expected to participate. If you're town your goal is to find scum. Scum are players who aren't town, ususally mafia but sometimes other roles like a serial killer, with there own win conditions. Then when you think you found someone you think is scum your goal would be to get them lynched.

Now the game has two main phases. Day where everyone posts in here until the time limit is reached or the majority of the votes are on someone and night where there is no posting in here a usuallt a mafia team make their evil plans. It's also when people who have roles with actions at night send WOW our moderator a PM with what they want to do at night. Sometimes there is twighlight, that's after someone has been lynched but before the mod has come and officially ended the day. It is ok to post in here then but be aware that it won't usually last long.

Some things while mentioned in the opening I'll remind you of,

Never edit a post. It's best to say what you want the first time, however if you make a mistake. Make a new post. and often people put EBWOP Edit by way of post.

Bold your Votes. If you forget make a new post.

Remember to end your bold. we don't want everything in here in bold. When someone forgets thats, the one exception to not editing your post.

Don't post your role PM with the moderator.

@underline this by far is the most important thing you can do no matter what team you are on but more so if you are town. A town that isn't active and doesn't pay attention is a town that doesn't care and will lose. A Mafia that doesn't care and doesn't pay attention can often skate a few days without being noticed. Which is one of the reasons why many find inactvity as a sign someone is mafia and often one of the most inactive people is mafia.

Also important to read the flavor posts from WoW or Smeags if he does any. I can't gurantee he will do it again but last game WoW gave a lot of hints in every single flavor post of who the killer was. Hell the first kill last game WoW more or less gave it away that I did it. Again tho I can't gurantee that will happen again but it would be wise to pay attention to it just in case.

@italics It's important that you never quote directly anything WoW or smeags sends you including your character information. Later in game it may benefit town for you to reveal your role and it's ok to paraphrase anything about your character or role but you can never quote directly.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)