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I am part of the older generation and I enjoy anyone getting into games no matter the age. But I get upset when I hear any gamer speak as if older games are too archaic to be any fun and should stay in the past. In that video linked a lot of the teens were having fun playing but they still made it seem as if the NES is irrelevant now.

I have the same problem with any "retro gamer" who also thinks any thing before the NES is unplayable and some who even think the NES is unplayable but never gave them a chance and put current day expectations towards them.

To be honest most older adults hostility comes from jealousy and  trying to justify their way of life. Just like my parents were mad at me because I didn't like to get up at 5:30 am to catch the bus. They would go on and on about how much harder they had it as if that was a good thing. We should all be glad that our kids don't have to have the same hardships as we did because they have plenty of their own we never had to deal with.

But when I see the younger generation smiling when they play an older game it really makes me happy. I don't expect the younger generation to know about video gaming's past but don't knock it before you try it, you could be missing out on a lot of fun. Just like those who dismiss new games without any first hand knowledge.