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2 billion is alot of scratch for a game. But it looks more to me that Microsoft is trying to purchase a very popular and estabished IP rivaling Mario, and Angry Birds.

By owning Minecraft they would have a cut into not only game sales, but clothes, and toys. Everybody is hooked already onto Minecraft (except me, I have no interest) Now they start to make money from all the DLC that will be churned out for all platforms.

People that are just thinking MS making this move as trying to cut Sony at the knees are thinking too small. While this generation of consoles have been doing well (PS4 especially). How much more money can be made on PC, smartphone, and tablet sales of DLC, or even a new Minecraft game or spinoff?

Didn't EA just announce earlier this year that they plan on making 1 billion this year on DLC alone.
MS has no problems putting their products on other peoples systems. When MS announced Office earlier this year for the iPad it shot to the top of the iOS store.