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Xenogears; Blade has interesting characters, a good plot, and an interesting world to explore, but they don't hold a candle to the intricate plot and complex characters of Gears.

Saga I have too many words for, so I'll get to the point: wasted potential. There is a better game IN the series, but unfortunately it's dragged down by them never figuring out what they wanted for the battle system and that we are forced to endure Shion Uzuki, the most INSUFFERABLE and unlikable protagonist I have ever seen in an RPG. There were times I was praying for her to just die or at least leave the plot (especially since she has zero reason to be in it) because she was such a horrible person. I think it agitates me because the OTHER characters are so much more interesting: Ziggy with his tragic past and struggles with humanity, MOMO with being created by an infamous killer, Jin with his complex past regarding the villains, Junior's deadly rivalry with Albedo, and of course chaos and KOS-MOS' origins. Could have been great, but Takahashi was clearly in a giant moron mode throughout it.